question about our cbd tea?

Ask a Nurse

I am the resident Nurse here at Synergy Leaf Tea Company. I am a Registered Nurse and am a member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association. ​

I have been a nurse for twelve years and have worked in various specialties including, a kidney transplant unit, the Neurosurgery floor and have been a hospice nurse for the last five years.

I love being a nurse and sharing my love of caring for others. I have always had the mindset of preventative care in my personal and professional life. CBD has many health benefits and I love the relaxed feeling it gives to my mind and body.  I created each tea recipe with intention for the desired effect in all our synergy tea blends.

I am always here if you have any questions or concerns about our synergy tea blends.

Hey there!
I'm Sarah.

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Do you have questions about cannabis?

Do you have a question about an ingredient in our tea?

Ask Synergy Leaf Tea's registered nurse!

Thank you!

I've received your message and will be in touch as soon as possible!

We donate $1 to women's shelters.

with the purchase of any tea pack

giving back

safe house center

shelter's we're currently working with


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